Saturday, November 03, 2007

Lending a hand

Around MP's birthday I started thinking about how to commemorate her entry into our lives. I wanted to do something that she would approve of, something that would reflect her nature and true spirit..

My thoughts started to take the form of maybe donating to a charitable organization in her name. So step one of this project was accomplished, I knew the what but the 'how' and 'which' was not quite clear.

That was the extent of my effort ... stalled for lack of a creative idea that felt right. Then a little over a week ago, my friend Sze Ning told me about how poor many of the orang Asli community are. These people she tells me are the real 'hard core poor'. There are inidividuals who try to help these people but resources are limited and they rely directly on private donations.

In one example, a good samaritan brings whatever over the counter medical supplies and stationery to the villages whenever she can. I knew immediately that this was the 'how' and 'which' question that I was comteplating. MP had donated blood on a regular basis, not just 1x a year but up to 3x a year if she could and did. So when I heard about this activity, I could see MP getting involved. I can visualize her nodding her head in agreement....

1 comment:

aunty choo choo said...

count me in; i would like to contribute in Mei Phing's name.