Tuesday, October 21, 2008

At my side

On Friday morning, I went for a surgical procedure to patch the hole in my ear drum. When I woke up past 5pm, I thought about you. I know you will be there for me, waiting to take me home like you did the last time I was at Pantai Hospital. I miss you so much.
aunty choo choo

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Of late, I have been dreaming dreams that I know holds some message. I know this when I can recall what they are upon wakefulness. However these recent ones are different in this respect.

I can’t seem to recall the events in these dreams. Just a lingering feeling that I need to understand these messages and that they are important for my well being. Occasionally a fragment of the dream may drift into my thoughts but before I could grasp its content, its gone. Like a whiff of smoke, it slips past my fingers and disappears into thin air.

It is believed that our dreams are a way for our conscious minds to process and understand what our unconscious self knows to be true. Maybe there’s a lot of uncertainty in my life right now but then again this is not new.

Last Sunday, I had an unpleasant experience that left me feeling naked, stripped of my defenses and vulnerable. I was in a state of shocked for a while and at that moment, I also felt very alone….