Wednesday, February 12, 2025

CNY 2025

CNY has become a pilgrimage for me; it’s a good time to see everyone. In KL, mom and I had our reunion dinner at Pheng’s place instead of going out. Pheng’s dad or Ah Teown as you called him hasn’t been well for some time. Old age is catching up on him. The next day, mom and I flew to Penang. Chean Shen picked us up but he didn’t seem well with an infected gum. Still, he managed to join us for our reunion dinner with uncle Boo Eng and family at his place. Age has caught up with uncle Boo Eng and he has some health issues which restrict his mobility. The next day, we did our usual rounds, visiting uncle Teik Ee (whom you called papa) at Milo’s place. I don’t think you’d met Milo, who is the youngest son of ‘papa’ and aunty Ah Eng.  I managed to squeeze in some time to visit Ah Yeu and Ah Bin whom I haven’t seen for 4 years. We had a great time catching up. On day two, mom hosted an open house, making spaghetti bologna and carbonara, which turned out pretty good; no wonder, Teng Hin’s son Nicholas and Teng Lye’s son Kar Vin went crazy with 3 rounds. As the sun sets, I was getting ready to head out to my biological brother’s place for a quick visit before heading to the airport. I reached Singapore at midnight, tired but happy that I’ve touched base with our families.

I miss you though.

Friday, December 27, 2024

December 2024

 The year is coming to a close but it’s never been easy for me to remember that you left us in a hurry on this day. For this reason, I’ve asked your brother to take mum to Sarawak for a holiday, otherwise she’ll get depressed at this time of the year. Two weeks ago, we celebrated mum’s birthday in Penang with your brother and Rachel. I’m in KL running some errands and heading back to Singapore today. 

I’ve taken up erhu lessons and I miss my practice sessions. I shall play a song for you.

Miss you so much! 😥

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

September 2024

 I dreamt of you last night. You came home and you just stood in front of me. You were wearing a long sleeve shirt and an ankle length skirt, quite a colourful outfit, which was uncharacteristic of you since I always see you in t-shirts and jeans. Nevertheless, I was so happy to see you and gave you a tight hug. There were a thousand and one questions I wanted to ask you but nature calls and I woke up. 

Your birthday is coming up and I shall never forget the times we spent together. I wondered whether you appeared in my dream to remind me of that. 

I will always miss you.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

CNY 2024

 This is the first CNY where I stayed longer and spent more time with family. We had cny eve dinner at Teng Lye’s place. On day 1, we visited uncle Teik Ee and uncle Boo Eng. Uncle Teik Ee has moved in to Milo (his youngest son)’s place. On day 2, Chean Shen hosted his open house; we had spaghetti, roast pork and chicken and alcohol was free flowing. Wished you were here though.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


 Last night, I went to a temple to light candles for you. You left us 18 years ago on this day. Even though, I’ve moved on, there’s always a place in my heart for you.❤️

Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 2023

 I was back in KL for your mom’s birthday; there were seven of us: your mom, brother and his girlfriend Rachel, Pheng, Cheng, Raj and myself. We had dinner at a Spanish restaurant as your mom was craving for paella.I wish you were here with us.

I miss you.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

15 Sept 2023

 We had a family gathering to celebrate your birthday; you would have been 48 years old. Your cousin Ah Boy , his wife Lisa and son Xian Wei have come back to Malaysia for good. We had a good time catching up and there were lots of food to feed a dozen. Your mom cooked a few dishes and she really enjoyed the “new kitchen” which has been renovated to her liking. Your brother made mushroom risotto with blue cheese, an acquired taste.  While everyone had a good time, not having you around is the saddest feeling ever. 

Miss you.