CNY has become a pilgrimage for me; it’s a good time to see everyone. In KL, mom and I had our reunion dinner at Pheng’s place instead of going out. Pheng’s dad or Ah Teown as you called him hasn’t been well for some time. Old age is catching up on him. The next day, mom and I flew to Penang. Chean Shen picked us up but he didn’t seem well with an infected gum. Still, he managed to join us for our reunion dinner with uncle Boo Eng and family at his place. Age has caught up with uncle Boo Eng and he has some health issues which restrict his mobility. The next day, we did our usual rounds, visiting uncle Teik Ee (whom you called papa) at Milo’s place. I don’t think you’d met Milo, who is the youngest son of ‘papa’ and aunty Ah Eng. I managed to squeeze in some time to visit Ah Yeu and Ah Bin whom I haven’t seen for 4 years. We had a great time catching up. On day two, mom hosted an open house, making spaghetti bologna and carbonara, which turned out pretty good; no wonder, Teng Hin’s son Nicholas and Teng Lye’s son Kar Vin went crazy with 3 rounds. As the sun sets, I was getting ready to head out to my biological brother’s place for a quick visit before heading to the airport. I reached Singapore at midnight, tired but happy that I’ve touched base with our families.
I miss you though.